Explore the “Plein Air High” … with Plein Air Equipment from SunEdenArtistsGear.com.

Tired of “lugging” heavy, but stable equipment to your painting site? Too tired to paint once you arrive? Experience the light, but stable, equipment from SunEden Artists Gear.

A variety of equipment to meet your Plein Air needs … light weight, but stable. Also convenient for limited studio spaces. Lugging your equipment to workshops and classes … try the light weight approach of SunEden Artists Gear.

Sun Eden Plein Air Artists Shelf
Sun Eden Plein Air Traveling Adapter
Sun Eden Plein Air Pochade Packages
Sun Eden Plein Air Light and Stable Oil Painter's Package
Sun Eden Plein Air Watercolor Painter's Package
Sun Eden Plein Air Package
Sun Eden Plein Air Accessories
Sun Eden Plein Air Easel Tripod Comparison
Sun Eden Plein Air Catalog